Perseverance is the ability to push through the darkest and most painful periods of your life. It is the fire that fuels your soul when it appears as though all hope is lost.
Perseverance is the very thing that keeps you alive when you otherwise might give up altogether. I know a thing or two about the power of perseverance. In truth, I know a whole lot…
Have you ever felt lost? I mean totally down and out, completely lost? Not sure which way to turn? Afraid of your own shadow? Paralyzed by fear? Immobilized by fear? I have. One too many times, actually. It may be hard for you to believe, but it’s true. Yes, me. The positive, upbeat, and inspirational coach you’ve come to recognize me as today, has been to hell and back more than once. I spent a significant portion of time in my late 20s and early 30s working through bouts of anxiety, depression, and perfectionism. There were days that I didn’t know if I had the strength to keep going, let alone the strength to help anyone else. If someone had told me back then that not only would I persevere, but that I’d someday rise up to use my own experiences in the valley to empower other women to become the best possible version of themselves, I would have laughed and then probably started to cry again. I did a lot of crying back then.
Looking back now however, I am incredibly grateful for the struggles I faced and the battles I fought within for they taught me that I was far stronger than I would have ever imagined and more courageous than I thought I was capable of being. They taught me the true meaning of perseverance and how to keep going despite what I was facing. Furthermore, had it not been for the struggles I endured, I may not have ever discovered my Higher Purpose in life. Perhaps I would have chosen the wrong career path instead of becoming a life and business coach that empowers other heart-centered women entrepreneurs to reclaim their personal power. All I know is this: I wake up each morning filled with gratitude and optimism knowing that I’m finally living in alignment with my Higher Power and it feels absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
While I stand authentically confident in my own truth today, I’m saddened by the number of women I’ve met who are just going through the motions.
You know the type of woman I’m referring to. Perhaps you can relate or maybe, just maybe, you are her. On the outside she smiles only to hide the sadness in her soul. She appears to be flawless in her outward appearance, but when she washes away the makeup, the dark circles around her eyes are still there from the tears that stained her pillowcase the night before. She looks in the mirror and tells herself that everything will be okay, but she just can’t shake the feelings of inadequacy that have plagued her for a lifetime. She knows there’s got to be a better way; this is no way to live. In truth, she’s absolutely right. She’s not living; she’s existing. The gap between these two states of being is monumental.
I’m here to tell you that you are strong enough to handle this life. While you cannot yet see the light at the end of the tunnel and all things seem dark and bleak, please know there is a way out.
It’s just that life’s negative experiences have beaten you down and clouded your vision temporarily. It appears as though your inner flame has been extinguished and your dreams have been crushed. Trust me. I know how you feel. I’ve been there, too. I’ve been down and out. I’ve felt moments of despair, down on my knees crying out to my Higher Power, “Please help me find a better way.” I’ve been through heartbreak, personal and professional setbacks, depression, and despair, but by the grace of God, I’ve lived to tell about it and you will, too! I promise. All you need is a little guidance, someone to hold your hand while you learn to walk again, someone to hold your hand while you continue to walk steadier, someone to hold your hand until you’re ready to let go and begin sprinting again on your own.
I’m that person. I’m that coach. I’m real. I’m honest. I’m compassionate and empathic and I will be with you every step of the way. I will show you how to shatter your innermost fears and how to conquer your self-sabotaging thoughts and beliefs so that you can live an empowered life, too. I’ll show you how to develop rock-solid confidence and reclaim your birth right to be happy and healthy. I’ll show you how to persevere through the pain so that you can live to be the best possible version of yourself and make your mark in the world.
If you have been touched by anything I’ve written or if you can relate in any way, I want to hear from you. As women we need to stick together and help one another. Together, we are stronger, which is why I’d love for you to connect with my tribe and me over in my Facebook group, The Confidence Hub for Heart-Centered Women Entrepreneurs. Until next time my friend, keep your head held high and hold onto your faith. I believe in you and I know that you have the perseverance to push through the pain you may be going through.